说来也真有趣,我们吃馄饨,品鳝糊,都喜欢洒些胡椒,以增菜点之香;而我那七岁的孙子却不然,非花椒粉不吃。问他什么道理,他结结巴巴地表达不清,但从他的表情和不连贯的词汇可推断:麻得过瘾,香得可以。 其实,我对花椒原也不甚了了,后来翻读一些古书,才略知一二。原来花椒是中华名产,早在两千五百年前就记载在《诗经·唐风》之中:“椒聊之实,蕃衍盈匊。”把花椒喻为妇人之美,美女之香和子孙之多。 花椒以其果实大小而得大椒、小椒的别名;又因它产秦地(山西一带),亦称秦椒;产蜀地(四川)则称蜀椒。此外还有南椒、汉椒、陆拔等别称。其中以四川所产质量最好;以河北、山西的产量最高。
It is also really interesting, we eat wonton, eel paste, like to sprinkle some pepper, to increase the flavor of the dish; and my seven-year-old grandson is not, non-pepper powder do not eat. Asked him what truth, he stammered unclear, but from his expression and inconsistent vocabulary can be inferred: hemp fun, fragrant and acceptable. In fact, I was not very good at the original pepper, then read some ancient books, only a little know one or two. The original Chinese prickly ash is the famous Chinese products, as early as 2500 years ago, recorded in the “Book of Songs Tang style” among: “pepper chat real, Fan Yan Ying”. "The pepper woman beauty, beautiful fragrance And many children. Pepper with its fruit size and pepper, pepper an alias; and because it produces Qin (Shanxi area), also known as the pepper; Sichuan production (Sichuan) is called the pepper. In addition there are South pepper, pepper, land and other nicknames. Which produced in Sichuan best quality; to Hebei, Shanxi, the highest yield.