Genetic Relationships Among Chinese Maize OPVs Based on SSR Markers

来源 :Journal of Integrative Agriculture | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:myjob3
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Bulk-SSR method was used to analyze the genetic diversity of 44 open-pollinated varieties collected from Henan, Shandong, Shanxi, and Jilin provinces and Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, China using 70 pairs of SSR primers. The purposes of this study were to (1) compare the genetic diversity among 44 Chinese maize open-pollinated varieties; (2) estimate the minimum number of alleles for construction of a stable dendrogram; and (3) trace the genetic relationships among local germplasm from different regions of China. In total, these 70 SSR primers yielded 292 alleles in 176 samples (4×44) analyzed. The number of alleles per locus was 4.17 on average and ranged from 2 to 8. The highest number of alleles per open-pollinated variety (55.25) was detected in Shanxi germplasm, which indicated that open-pollinated varieties from Shanxi possessed the largest genetic diversity among those from the five locations. The correlation coefficients between different genetic similarity matrices suggested that 200 alleles were sufficient for analysis of the genetic diversity of these 44 open-pollinated varieties. The cluster analysis showed that 44 open-pollinated varieties collected from three growing regions in China were accurately classified into three groups that were highly consistent with their geographic origins, and there is no correlation between GS and geographic distance in this study. Bulk-SSR method was used to analyze the genetic diversity of 44 open-pollinated strains collected from Henan, Shandong, Shanxi, and Jilin provinces and Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, China using 70 pairs of SSR primers. The purposes of this study were to ( 1) compare the genetic diversity among 44 Chinese maize open-pollinated varieties; (2) estimate the minimum number of alleles for construction of a stable dendrogram; and (3) trace the genetic relationships among local germplasm from different regions of China. , these 70 SSR primers yielded 292 alleles in 176 samples (4 × 44) were analyzed. The number of alleles per locus was 4.17 on average and ranged from 2 to 8. The highest number of alleles per open-pollinated variety (55.25) was detected in Shanxi germplasm, which indicated that open-pollinated varieties from Shanxi possessed the largest genetic diversity among those from the five locations. The correlation coefficients between different genetic similarity matrices sugges ted that 200 alleles were sufficient for analysis of the genetic diversity of these 44 open-pollinated varieties. The cluster analysis showed that 44 open-pollinated species collected from three growing regions in China were classified classified into three groups that were highly consistent with their geographic origins, and there is no correlation between GS and geographic distance in this study.
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相对于疾病的传统治疗方式,基因治疗是一个年轻而又充满活力的研究领域.从1989年美国科学家Rosenberg等开始第一个人类基因治疗临床试验至今,虽然仅有17年的历史,但基因治疗无论从基础研究到临床试验,都获得了长足进展[1,2].据基因医学杂志(J Gene Med)临床试验数据库统计,截至2006年7月31日,全球27个国家和地区已完成、正在进行或已经批准的基因治疗临床试验项目共1192项,主
目的分析民航飞行员耳硬化症的临床特征和航空医学鉴定,以加强对该病的认识,提高航空医学鉴定水平。 方法通过回顾分析民航飞行员耳硬化症1例及疑似病例1例的临床资料并进行文献复习,总结耳硬化症的临床特征、诊断、治疗及航空医学鉴定。 结果病例1患者于2011年发现左耳听力损失,因未做骨导导致漏诊。2013年8月体检做骨导,显示左耳传导性听力损失,骨导2 000 Hz阈值升高,连续3 d盖莱试验阴性,声导抗