基于VLSI的信息处理系统空间应用时容易遭受单粒子翻转效应(SEU:Single Event Upset)的影响。基于结构冗余的三模冗余(TMR:Three Module Redundancy)和基于信息冗余的错误检纠错(EDAC:Error Detection and Correction)是两种常见的系统级抗单粒子翻转的容错方法,被广泛应用于空间信息处理系统中。从可靠性改进、存储资源占用、硬件实现代价以及实现延时等四个方面,对两种方法进行了性能分析和仿真实验。性能分析和仿真实验结果表明,EDAC方法适合应用于基本数据宽度较大、存储资源受限、实时性要求不高的应用中,结构TMR方法适合应用于基本数据宽度较小、存储资源充足、实时性要求较高的应用中。
VLSI-based information processing systems are susceptible to Single Event Upset (SEU) space applications. TMR (Three Module Redundancy) and Error Detection and Correction (EDAC) based on structural redundancy are two common system-level fault tolerant approaches against single-particle flipping. Widely used in spatial information processing system. The performance analysis and simulation experiments of the two methods are carried out from four aspects: the improvement of reliability, the occupation of storage resources, the hardware implementation cost and the realization of delay. Performance analysis and simulation results show that the EDAC method is suitable for applications where the basic data width is large, the storage resources are limited, and the real-time requirements are not high enough. The structure TMR method is suitable for applications where the basic data width is small, the storage resources are sufficient, Sexually demanding applications.