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近代中国市场在鸦片战争后出现了被迫的开放和扩大,市场的急剧变化呈现出与传统经济下的不同。市场的扩大不仅仅是传统经济的内在诉求,更是市场开放过程中的必然。在近代市场开放和扩展中,阻碍商品流通及市场融合的因素日益明显,市场分割成为近代国内市场的显著特征。近代中国市场在被迫开放与扩展中逐步形成,并逐渐实现从自然经济向市场经济的转变,市场及市场机制在经济发展中越来越发挥主导作用。 After the Opium War, the modern Chinese market was forced to open up and expand. The drastic changes in the market showed a difference with the traditional economy. The expansion of the market is not only an inherent demand of the traditional economy, but also an inevitable part of the process of market liberalization. In the modern market opening up and expansion, the factors hindering the circulation of commodities and market integration have become increasingly evident. Market segmentation has become a prominent feature of the modern domestic market. In modern China, the market gradually formed in the process of being forced to open up and expand, and gradually realized the transition from the natural economy to the market economy. The market and market mechanism are playing more and more leading roles in economic development.
为了纪念瑞典戏剧大师奥古斯特·斯特林贝(August Strindberg,1849—1912),瑞典于今年5月4日至25日在首都斯德哥尔摩举行首届国际斯特林贝戏剧节。主办单位是瑞典戏剧协会、
这里发表的三个短篇均选自库特·冯尼格的短篇小说集《牢狱欢迎你》(1968)。《这次我演什么角色?》(Who Am I This Time?)通过一个小小的爱情喜剧描绘美国小城镇生活中的一个
美国加利福尼亚大学是马克·吐温(1835—1910)的生平及其作品的研究中心和手稿收藏中心。该校1979年最新出版了马克·吐温的一批作品,其中包括: 《马克·吐温的笔记和日记》
最近美国克诺夫书局出版了美国当代作家约翰·加德纳(John Gardner,1933—)的新作《弗莱迪的书》(Freddy’s Book)。这是他的第八部长篇小说。加德纳是个多产作家,除长篇巨
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