近来,各种各样的公司收购很热门,然而,最抢眼的是MBO(公司管理层收购)。有人研究美国的MBO模式,有人探讨MBO在国企改革中的意义,究竟MBO在实际操作过程中有哪些实际问题,在借鉴国外成功经验的基础上,如何本土化,值得认真研究。 MBO在美国是辅助手段 美国的大企业或上市公司通常是由作为管理层的职业经理们实际控制,而股东由于其股权的分散性,并不参与到其所拥有的企业的日常决策中,只是在发生并购或解体等重大事项时,才具有真正的“话事权”。但是,即使在此时,
Recently, a variety of corporate acquisitions are hot, however, the most eye-catching is MBO (company management buy-out). Some people have studied the MBO model in the United States. Some have discussed the significance of MBO in the reform of state-owned enterprises. What are the actual problems in the actual operation of MBO? On the basis of drawing on the successful experience of foreign countries, how to localize it is worthy of serious study. MBO is an aid in the United States. Large US companies or listed companies are usually controlled by professional managers who are management. However, due to the dispersed nature of their shares, shareholders are not involved in the daily decision-making of the companies they own. Only when there are major issues such as mergers and acquisitions or disintegration do they have true “right to speak”. But even at this time,