常州常发农业机械营销有限公司是常发农装下设的7大子公司之一,主要由销售部、服务部、市场规划部、策划推广部、电商部、计划储运部等几大部门组成。常发农装秉承“用户至上、顾客满意”的理念,建立起一套完整的销售服务网络体系,在全国各大中型城市建立600多个一级经销机构、2 000余个二级经销机构,有1 500多名经过严格培训的专职、兼职服务人员在全国各地负责售后服务工作。目前营销公司销售的产品包括大中轮式拖拉机、插秧机、全喂入/半喂入履带收割机、轮式谷物收割机、轮式玉米收割/籽粒收获机、烘
Changzhou Changfa Agricultural Machinery Marketing Co., Ltd. is one of the seven largest subsidiaries under the regular farm equipment industry. It mainly consists of sales department, service department, marketing department, planning and promotion department, e-commerce department, planning and storage department, etc. Department. Often the farm machinery adhering to the “customer first, customer satisfaction,” the idea of establishing a complete sales service network system in all major cities in the country to establish more than 600 first-class distribution agencies, more than 2,000 second-level distribution There are over 1,500 full-time and part-time service staff who have been rigorously trained throughout the country for post-sales service. Products currently marketed by marketing companies include medium and large wheel tractors, rice transplanters, full / half-feed track harvesters, wheeled grain harvesters, wheeled corn harvesting / grain harvesters,