1、自1992年起,军人出身的王长林在勃利县质量技术监督局局长这一岗位上一干就是10年。 寒来暑往,勃利县质量技术监督局的业绩年年攀越新高。全局抓住“发展才是硬道理” 这个主题,固定资产从原来的70万元增长到今天的280万元,三年一大步,六年大变样…… 这其中融入了王长林大多太多的汗水和心血,为了让质量技术监督事业在这片广豪的黑土地上深深扎根,他殚精竭虑、至疲至倦而无憾。1998年,王长林被国家质量技术监督局评为先进个人。 性格开朗直爽却也低调内敛,敢于碰硬并坚持有理有节,治局严谨高效但又极富人情味—— 人说:这就是王长林。
1, Since 1992, Wang Changlin, a soldier of military origin, has been working for 10 years in the position of director of Quality and Technical Supervision Bureau of Boli County. Cold to summer, Boli County Quality and Technical Supervision performance climbed year after year. The overall grasp of the theme of “development is the last word,” fixed assets increased from 700,000 yuan to 2.8 million today, a big three years, a big change in six years ... ... which incorporates Wang Changlin too much Sweat and hard work, in order to let the cause of quality and technical supervision deeply rooted in this vast and dark land, he worked hard and exhausted until tired without regret. In 1998, Wang Changlin by the State Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision as advanced individuals. Cheerful straightforward but also low-key introverted, dare to touch and adhere to reasonable and rational, rigorous and efficient governance but very human - people say: This is Wang Changlin.