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一、绪论本文所指的淮河中下游,即今京广铁路以东的淮河流域部分区域。行政区划包括河南东南部,安徽西偏北部和江苏北部的洪泗地区(图一)。图一淮河中下游春秋列国分布图此域处于南北交通要道,地理位置非常重要。淮河及其支流形成肥沃的冲积平原,加上充足的水资源,南北过渡地带的气候条件,冬季温暖、夏季湿热,降水量丰沛、光照充足,适宜发展农业生产;以及南面丰富的铜矿资源,历来为中原王室重视。从考古材料可知,早在商代,这里就出现了重要的商王朝与国,1979~1980年,罗山 I. INTRODUCTION This article refers to the middle and lower reaches of the Huaihe River, now part of the Huaihe River basin to the east of the Beijing-Guangzhou Railway. The administrative divisions include southeastern Henan, northern Anhui in the west and Hongsi in northern Jiangsu (Figure 1). Figure 1 Middle and lower reaches of the Huaihe River Spring and Autumn National Distribution map This area is located in North and South traffic arteries, the geographical position is very important. The Huaihe River and its tributaries form a fertile alluvial plain. With sufficient water resources, climatic conditions in the north-south transitional zone, warm winters in winter, hot and humid summers, abundant precipitation and adequate sunshine, it is suitable for developing agricultural production; and abundant copper resources in the south, Has always been the Central Plains royal attention. We can see from the archaeological materials, as early as the Shang dynasty, there appeared an important business dynasty and country, 1979 ~ 1980, Luoshan
1941年秋,四川大学中文系毕业生王叔岷被北大文科研究所录取为研究生。于是他背着一包书,抱着一张古琴,怀着一种“奇书十万卷,随我啖其精”的心情,兴冲冲地来到四川南溪县李庄的板栗坳。  来到李庄,王叔岷首先拜见了兼任北大文科研究所所长的中研院史语所所长傅斯年。傅斯年询问王叔岷未来想做什么研究课题。王叔岷答:“《庄子》。”傅斯年笑笑,背诵起“昔者庄周梦为蝴蝶”一章,一副怡然自得的样子。突然间,傅斯年将
根据园林景观设计方案,以及施工团队之间的互相联系进行分析,进而系统地阐述设计与良好施工对园林景观的重要性。 According to the landscape design scheme and the inter