早期去美国务工的华工离不开三把刀,第一把是剪刀,第二把是菜刀,第三把是理发刀,通过利用这三把刀,他们在美国发展起了洗衣业、餐馆业和理发业,为自己开辟出一条条新的生存之路,其中通过“菜刀”发展起来的中餐馆,可谓一路镌刻着早期旅美华工生存的艰辛。1848年1月,美国水车匠约翰·马歇尔(John Marshall)在美国加利福尼亚州亚美利加河流域(American River)发现了金矿,消息一经传出,震动了整个世界。这个消息也很快沿着贸易路线传到了中国。一些与外国人打交道的中国买办商人得知消息后,马上乘商船到美国淘金。据史料记载,早
The early Chinese workers who went to the United States could not do without the three knives. The first one was a pair of scissors, the second one was a kitchen knife, the third was a barber knife. By using these three knives, they developed a laundry and restaurant industry in the United States And barber business, opened up a new way for their survival, which through the “kitchen knife” to develop the Chinese restaurant, can be described as engraved with the hardships of the early American laborers survive. In January 1848, John Marshall, a U.S. water-carpenter, discovered gold in the American River, California, USA. As the news spread, the world shattered. The news soon spread to China along the trade route. Some Chinese compradors who dealt with foreigners learned about the news and immediately went to the United States to trade gold on merchant ships. According to historical records, early