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  1. -Excuse me, sir, where is Room 301?
  -Just a minute. I’ll have Bob ______ you to your room. (2007年高考北京卷)
  A. show B. shows
  C. to show D. showing
  2. Jenny hopes that Mr. Smith will suggest a good way to have her written English ______in a short period. (2007年高考福建卷)
  A. improved B. improving
  C. to improve D. improve
  这两道题的答案均为A,并且都考查了“have + 宾语 + ……”结构的用法。
  动词have在英语中使用广泛,搭配能力强,所以测试其用法的试题在高考中经常出现。本文将对“have + 宾语 + ……”结构的构成及用法作一具体例释。
  一、“have + 宾语 + 动词原形”结构表示“叫(让)某人做某事”,这时have相当于make或let,作宾语补足语的动词原形多反映短暂的或瞬间的动作。
  (1)The soldiers had him stand with his back to his father. 士兵们让他背着他父亲站着。
  (2)The teacher had the monitor hand out the papers. 老师叫班长把考卷发下去。
  二、“have + 宾语+ 动词不定式”结构表示“有某事要做”,其后的动词不定式短语作定语。
  (1)We still have some difficulties to overcome.我们还有许多困难要克服。
  (2)He has no one to take care of. 他无人照顾。
  注意:在这种句子中,不定式与最近的名词(或代词)有动宾关系,而与句子中的另一个名词或代词可能有主谓关系。如在上句中overcome与difficulties有动宾关系,而句中的主语we和overcome有主谓关系,we是overcome的逻辑主语。如果句中未显示出这种主谓关系,不定式就以用被动式为好。例如:(1)Have you anything to be taken to the city (by me or by someone else)?你有什么东西需要带到城里去吗?(2)I have no more letter to be typed. Thank you. 谢谢你,我没有什么信要你打了。
  三、“have + 宾语 + 过去分词”的结构有下述三种情况。
  1. 表示“(请、使、让) 别人做某事”的意思,强调主语的意志。这里的“别人”虽然没有在该结构中明显地说出,但确有此含意。
  (1)I had my tap repaired.(=I asked somebody to repair the tap.) 我请人修好了水龙头。
  (2)I must have my hair cut.(=I must let the barber cut my hair.) 我得(找人给)理理发了。
  2. 表示“遭遇某种(不幸的)事情”,说明宾语的一种无意识的受动行为,并不说明“谁使(宾语)遭遇某事”。
  (1)She had her house damaged in the storm.(=Something had happened to her house in the sform.) 他的房屋在风暴中遭到了破坏。
  (2)My father had both his legs broken in the accident.(=My father’s legs were broken in the accident.) 在这次事故中,我父亲折断了双腿。
  3. 表示“使完成某事”的意思,此事可以是别人完成的,也可以是自己参与完成的。
  (1)We must have the work finished before the hurricane comes.(=The work must be finished before the hurricane comes.)我们必须在飓风到来之前完成这项工作。(“我们”可能参加这项工作,也可能没有参加。)
  四、“have + 宾语 + 现在分词”结构表示下述三种意思。
  1. 表示“叫(让)某人做某事”,相当于“have sb. do sth.”。
  (1) After school the teacher had the naughty boy staying/stay in the classroom. 放学后,老师叫那个淘气的学生留在教室里。
  (2)He had the old tailor make/making a new coat for him. 他请那位老裁缝师傅给他做了一件新上衣。
  2. 表示“听任(任其)……持续(或反复地)……”,这时have相当于keep。
  (1)The rider had his horse running along the river. 那个骑手让马沿着河边奔跑。
  (2)She had us working day after day. 她让我们天天干活。
  3. 表示“准许或允许某人做某事”,这时have常和will(can)的否定形式连用。
  (1)I won’t have you speaking so rudely to me. 我不允许你这样粗暴地对我讲话。
  (2)I can’t have you smoking at your age.我不能容许你这样(小小的)年纪就抽烟。
  1. -Did Peter fix the computer himself?
  -He _______, because he doesn’t know much about computers.
  A. has it fixed B. had fixed it
  C. had it fixed D. fixed
  2. Who did you have ______ your house?
  A. to paint B. painted
  C. paint D. paints
  3. Mr. White had his son _______ more factors into consideration when he bought a car.
  A. to take B. take
  C. to be taking D. to have taken
  4. Mrs Brown was much disappointed to see the washing machine she had had _______ went wrong again.
  A. it B. it repaired
  C. repaired D. to be reapired
  5. Why did you have your horse _______ all the morning?
  A. to run B. run
  C. ran D. running
  6. I’d rather type it myself than ______.
  A. have typed it B. have it type
  C. have it typing D. have it typed
  7. It was suggested that those ______ have their parents ______.
  A. refer to; to come B. referring to; come
  C. referred to; come D. refer to; coming
  8. He was so careless that he had his skin ______ in the holiday.
  A. burn B. burning
  C. burned D. to burn
  9. -John, I’m sorry I can’t go with you now. I will have my radio ______.
  -Really? Do you know how to do it?
  -Yes, I do.
  A. repair B. repaired
  C. repairing D. to repair
  10. He was glad that he had himself _______ at the meeting.
  A. understood B. understand
  C. to understand D. understanding
  11. At last he agreed _______.
  A. having the letter posted
  B. to have the letter posted
  C. to have the letter post
  D. to have the letter posting
  12. Who would you rather ______ the report instead of you?
  A. have write B. have to write
  C. write D. have written
  参考答案: 1. C2. C3. B4. C5. D6. D7. C8. C9. D10. A11. B12. A
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动词时态是历年高考中的重要考点,在单项填空、完形填空及短文改错中均有体现。各省2007年的高考英语试卷秉承了这一特点。  1. I know a little bit about Italy as my wife and I _______ there several years ago.(2007年高考全国卷)  A. are going B. had been  C. went D. have
with复合结构是高中阶段的一个重要语法知识,也是学生学习的难点。其构成是由“with + 名词/代词+ adj. /adv./ prep. /phrase /doing/ done/ to do.”,在此结构中的名词或代词充当逻辑主语,而后面的形容词/副词/分词等充当逻辑谓语,整个结构可在句中充当定语、状语等,表示状态或说明背景。正确使用此结构可以使句子显得简洁、明了。下面就此结构的构成和用法小
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中学英语中表示“一……就……”是一个常见句型, 也是高考中容易出现的考点,尤其在书面表达中使用的频率较高,因此熟练掌握该句型的各种表达方式是很有必要的。  现将英语中表示“一……就……”的句型归纳如下:   1. As soon as + 时间从句,+主句  汉语常译作“刚……就……”。从句可用一般现在时和一般过去时或现在完成时(但不用一般将来时),主句可用一般现在时、一般过去时和一般将来时,表示