Approach: the catchment area F quadratic quadratic value, according to a certain percentage of the size of the catchment area F scale point. If F = 0.01 square kilometers, then 0.01 to 4/5 = 0.026, length 0.026 on F scale, write 0.01, F = 0.02 square kilometers, then 0.02 to 4/5 = 0.046, length on F scale 0.046 Write 0.02 ... so point painted F ruler. Take a proportional length of the flow in the appropriate location points ψ = 0.1, with the value of ψ, ψ = 0.l of the length of the ratio, ψ = 0.1 in the flow under the Q-point painted various values ψ Flow rate Q feet. Let (h-Z) be a parameter and point (h-Z) the diagonal of each value. If (h-Z) = 30, then (h-Z) ~ 3/2 = 165. Arbitrarily take the value of F feet,