在直角坐标系中 ,以纵坐标表示溶解度 ,横坐标表示温度 ,将某物质在不同温度下溶解度的点连成一条光滑的曲线 ,这条曲线叫做该物质的溶解度曲线 (如图 1 ) .它反映了物质溶解度随温度变化的情况 .一、意义图 11 溶解度曲线上的每一点 ,表示某温度下某物质的溶解度 ,同时也表示
In Cartesian coordinates, the solubility is represented by the ordinate and the temperature is represented by the abscissa. The point at which the solubility of a substance at different temperatures is concatenated into a smooth curve. This curve is called the solubility curve of the substance (Figure 1). Reflects the solubility of a substance as a function of temperature. I. Significance Figure 11 Each point on the solubility curve indicates the solubility of a substance at a certain temperature, but also indicates