(一) 1983年7月7日,苏州大学的电化教室里坐满了人,一会儿寂静无声,一会儿掌声雷动,一会摄影机电光闪闪,原来那里正在召开一个大会,那是苏州大学为庆祝程有庆教授等执教六十年,表彰他们在教育工作中贡献毕生精力的庆功大会。张乃康校长致了贺词。他说:“一个人能在教育人的岗位上不间断地工作五十年,六十年
(A) July 7, 1983, Suzhou University, full of people in the classroom, while silent, while the thunderous applause for a while flashing camera, where the original there is a conference, it is to celebrate the University of Suzhou Professor Cheng Youqing And so on for 60 years, commended them for their contributions to education in life celebration of the General Assembly. Zhang Naikang President made a greeting. He said: "A person can work continuously for fifty or sixty years on the job of educating people