Wang × ×, female, 44 years old. She complained of discomfort in her chest for more than two years without hemoptysis, shortness of breath and fever. The plain radiograph of the chest shows that the right upper mediastinum is widened and a shadow is visible (Figure 1, see the cover 3); the stratified slices show the increased density and neatly-shadowed shadows. The diagnosis of right upper lung tumors was performed on October 9th, 1980. Physical examination: nutrition, pale appearance, skin and mucous membranes without bleeding, systemic superficial lymph nodes without enlargement, heart-lung negative, abdomen soft, liver and spleen not swollen, limb joints and nervous system examination is normal. Laboratory tests: Hemoglobin 10g%, WBC 4,700/mm3, Neutral 78%, Lymph 22%. Pathological examination: The resection specimen was a round mass with a complete capsule size of 6×4×4 cm. The surface was partially smooth and the cut surface was yellowish-brown and grayish white (Figure 2, see Closure 3). Microscopic examination: Capillary hyperplasia between lymphoid follicles, with multiple blood vessels penetrating lymphoid follicles from the periphery