There was no significant difference in the ultrastructure of the blood-brain barrier in three newborns and three fetal caudate nuclei, with capillaries with capillaries in their endothelial endothelium, with or without septa in the endothelium with shorter and straight endothelial connections. , A complete basement membrane, about 40 ~ 50nm thick, but some have no continuous basement membrane, only to see flocculent, electron density of the basement membrane-like substances, glial membrane around, or not completely surround the outer periphery of the glial The membrane can be seen on the role of pinocytosis neonatal caudate nucleus in the ultrastructure of the blood-brain barrier, neonatal caudate nucleus in the blood-brain barrier permeability greater under certain pathological conditions, such as hypoxia, acid Poisoning damage the blood-brain barrier, promote free bilirubin in the blood across the blood-brain barrier, deposition in the basal ganglia, causing neonatal kernicterus.