Resonance-enhanced photon excitation spectroscopy of the even-parity autoionizing Rydberg states of

来源 :Science in China(Series B:Chemistry) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chenken2725115
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Kr atoms were produced in their metastable states 4p55s [3/2]2 and 4p55s’ [1/2]0 in a pulsed DC dis-charge in a beam,and subsequently excited to the even-parity autoionizing Rydberg states 4p5np’ [3/2]1,2,[1/2]1 and 4p5nf’ [5/2]3 using single photon excitation.The excitation spectra of the even-parity autoionizing resonance series from the metastable Kr were obtained by recording the autoionized Kr+ ions with time-of-flight ion detection in the photon energy range of 29000-40000 cm1.A wealth of autoionizing resonances were newly observed,from which more precise and more systematic spec-troscopic data of the level energy and quantum defects were derived. Kr atoms were produced in their metastable states 4p55s [3/2] 2 and 4p55s ’[1/2] 0 in a pulsed DC dis-charge in a beam, and subsequently excited to the even-parity autoionizing Rydberg states 4p5np’ [3 / 2] 1,2, [1/2] 1 and 4p5nf ’[5/2] 3 using single photon excitation. The excitation spectra of the even-parity autoionizing resonance series from the metastable Kr were obtained by recording the auto-regulated Kr + ions with time-of-flight ion detection in the photon energy range of 29000-40000 cm1.A wealth of autoionizing resonances were newly observed, from which more precise and more systematic spec-troscopic data of the level energy and quantum defects were derived.
摘要动画片中色彩的设计与其它艺术有共性的地方,但更多的是其个性的方面。挖掘动画片中独特的色彩设计形式,才能使一部作品与众不同、脱颖而出。本文通过对动画片《忆少年》中运用的外在色彩和内在色彩的独特设计形式进行剖析,试图从中得到一些动画色彩设计的启示。  关键词:外在色彩内在色彩设计启示情趣美  中图分类号:J218文献标识码:A    《忆少年》表现的是一个少年丰富的内心世界,按照儿童的心理特点,主
李洋认为:“选对一个适合的主演,电视剧就等于成功了一半。没有王宝强,电视剧《为了新中国前进》可以说就是个零,是一张墙上的画,不会有人看的。” Li Yang said: “The ele
16.2.3 电子倍增和光电倍增管(MPT) 为了测量和探测的需要,光电管的输出常需要加以放大。毫无疑问,这种放大会增加信号的噪声,不过噪声究竟增加多少则取决于放大方法(见第16