Chinese premier says 2010 World Expo chance for China,world

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The 2010 World Expo to be held in China is a chance both for the country and the world, said Premier Wen Jiabao at an international forum of the Shanghai Expo held in Beijing on November 12. The forum,with the theme of“collecting global wisdom,jointly creating cities’ future,”is of great significance to enriching the meaning of the 2010 World Expo and promoting its success, Wen said.The premier said the Chinese expressed the wish to hold the World Expo in the country more than a century ago,but realized the dream only after the founding of New China and 30 years of rapid progress during the reform and opening-up drive. To be held in the most populous developing nation in the world,the World Expo fully shows its strong vitality,Wen noted.He said China would continue to go all out for the event’s preparations. The 2010 World Expo to be held in China is a chance both for the country and the world, said Premier Wen Jiabao at an international forum of the Shanghai Expo held in Beijing on November 12. The forum, with the theme of “collecting global jointly created cities’ future, ”is of great significance to enriching the meaning of the 2010 World Expo and promoting its success, Wen said. premier said the Chinese expressed the wish to hold the World Expo in the country more than a century ago, but realized the dream only after the founding of New China and 30 years of rapid progress during the reform and opening-up drive. To be held in the most populous developing nation in the world, the World Expo fully shows its strong vitality , Wen noted.He said China would continue to go all out for the event’s preparations.
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