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510515 血管源性脑水肿(Vasogenic brain edema,VBE)是神经内外科临床上脑外伤、脑瘤、脑血管病、脑炎等许多疾病伴发的最常见的直接导致死亡的凶险病症,是脑对损害普遍存在的反应.它的进展程度对原发病的预后起决定性作用.血管源性脑水肿是由于血脑屏障(BBB)通透性增高造成毛细血管内血浆蛋白与水份渗出,脑白质明显水肿.由于水肿液富含蛋白质,吸收缓慢,脑水肿持续时间长,死亡率高,至今尚无特效良策.血管源性脑水肿的发病机理尽管有许多学说,如能量代谢学说、自由基学说、钙通道学说等,但都难以完全解释VBE的发病过程.因而对VBE的治疗仍是传统性和经验性的.目前主要用高渗脱水剂(甘露醇和甘油制剂)、利尿剂、激素.近年国外也试用钙离子拮抗剂,自由基清除剂治疗脑水肿,疗效并不肯定.我们在血脑屏障上的酶屏障研究的基础上,应用相应的酶屏障抑制剂LM治疗VBE,并与甘露醇治疗组作对比研究,以其寻求治疗血管源性脑水肿的新药.我们在Wistar大鼠腹腔内注射苯肾上腺素,制成血管源性脑水肿模型,将大鼠分成两组,分别注射LM和甘露醇,然后断头取脑,用远红外线水份分析仪分别测量大鼠脑灰、白质水份含量,发现LM对脑水肿有显著脱水作 510515 Vasogenic brain edema (VBE) is the most common and direct cause of death associated with many diseases such as brain injury, brain tumor, cerebrovascular disease and encephalitis in neurological and surgical departments. It is a brain-to-brain Damaging the ubiquitous response and its extent of progression has a decisive effect on the prognosis of the primary disease.Vascular derived brain edema is caused by the exudation of plasma proteins and water within the capillaries due to the increased permeability of the blood-brain barrier (BBB), brain The edema of the white matter is obviously edematous.As the edema fluid is rich in protein, slow absorption, long duration of brain edema and high mortality rate, there is no effective cure yet.Although there are many theories about the pathogenesis of vasogenic brain edema, such as energy metabolism theory, Doctrine, calcium channel theory, etc., but it is difficult to fully explain the pathogenesis of VBE. Therefore, the treatment of VBE is still traditional and empirical. At present, the main use of hypertonic dehydration agent (mannitol and glycerol), diuretics, hormones. In recent years, foreign countries also try calcium antagonists, free radical scavengers for the treatment of cerebral edema, curative effect is not sure.We in the blood-brain barrier on the basis of enzyme barrier research, the application of the corresponding inhibition of the enzyme barrier LM treatment of VBE and compared with mannitol treatment group for its treatment of vasogenic brain edema of new drugs.We Wistar rats intraperitoneal injection of phenylephrine, made of vasogenic brain edema model, the rats Divided into two groups, respectively, injection of LM and mannitol, and then decapitate the brain, with far infrared moisture analyzer were measured brain gray matter, white matter moisture content and found LM significant hydrocephalus for brain dehydration
思想政治工作是做好经济工作和其他一切工作的生命线。近年来 ,人民银行湖北省通山县支行党组一班人牢牢掌握这条生命线 ,把它作为各项业务工作发展的“助推器” ,不断研究和
我们应用氟桂利嗪合用丙戊酸钠治疗偏头痛50例,取得较满意的疗效。1 对象和方法1.1 对象 共100例,包括典型偏头痛和普通型偏头痛。全部病例均符合神经病学的诊断标准[1],