Scaling all-fiber mid-infrared supercontinuum up to 10 W-level based on thermal-spliced silica fiber

来源 :Photonics Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:smoking11
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We demonstrate an integrated all-fiber mid-infrared(mid-IR)supercontinuum(SC)source generated by a 1.95μm master oscillator power amplifier system and a single-mode ZBLAN(ZrF_4–BaF_2–LaF_3–AlF_3–NaF)fiber.The maximum average output power is 10.67 W with spectral bandwidth covering from~1.9 to 4.1μm.The single-mode ZBLAN fiber and silica fiber are thermal-spliced to enhance the robustness and practicability of the system.It is,to the best of our knowledge,the first high-power integrated compacted all-fiber mid-IR SC source based on thermal-spliced silica fiber and ZBLAN fiber. We demonstrate an integrated all-fiber mid-infrared (mid-IR) supercontinuum (SC) source generated by a 1.95 μm master oscillator power amplifier system and a single-mode ZBLAN (ZrF_4-BaF_2-LaF_3-AlF_3-NaF) fiber. maximum average output power is 10.67 W with spectral bandwidth covering from ~ 1.9 to 4.1 μm. The single-mode ZBLAN fiber and silica fiber are thermal-spliced ​​to enhance the robustness and practicability of the system. It is to the best of our knowledge , the first high-power integrated compacted all-fiber mid-IR SC source based on thermal-spliced ​​silica fiber and ZBLAN fiber.
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