浙江人学普通话时声调容易产生的主要问题有 :阴平调值过低 ,上声起点调值偏高 ,四声调值域相对较窄 ,缺乏变调概念。对此 ,可采取如下克服的方法 :习惯将声带放松 ,在语流中把声调的相对音高化作绝对音高 ,掌握语调的基本规律。普通话水平测试应掌握如下评分标准 :单音节字词的声调调值未发成标准值应视作缺陷或错误 ,双音节词语、朗读及说话部分的声调调值可作为语流现象处理 ;判断声调的错误和缺陷大致以调形为界较为可行 ;次轻音的尺度有必要放宽
The main problems that people in Zhejiang tend to produce when they learn mandarin are as follows: the tone of yin-ping is too low, the tone of tone of initial tone is high, the tone of tone of fourth tone is relatively narrower, and the concept of tone-changing is lacking. In this regard, can be taken to overcome the following methods: the habit of relaxing the vocal cords in the language of the tone of the relative pitch into absolute pitch, master the basic rules of tone. Putonghua proficiency test should have the following grading standards: Monosyllabic tone tone value adjustment value not yet standard value should be regarded as defects or errors, disyllable words, reading and speaking part of the tone adjustment can be treated as the phenomenon of language flow; to determine the tone The errors and defects are generally reshaped as the boundary more feasible; sub-tone scale is necessary to relax