研究了鄂霍次克海阻高及西太平洋副热带高压的关系,解释了当鄂霍次克海阻高活跃时副热带高压北上缓慢的原因.具体如下(1)通过对鄂霍次克海阻高指数和500 hPa高度的相关分析发现,夏季东亚附近容易出现一个类似偶极子的遥相关类型;(2)这个遥相关类型与鄂霍次克海阻高发展时产生的从鄂霍次克海经日本东部海面到副热带方面传播的波列紧密相关;(3)伴随鄂霍次克海高压的发展,此波列的传播形成一个以日本东部海面为中心的气旋式环流,起着削弱副高北缘的重要作用.这个作用可以部分解释为什么1998年夏季副高会非常偏南.“,”This study examines the relationship between the subtropical high in the West Pacific and the Okhotsk high in summer, and explains why the subtropical high cannot progress northward when the Okhotsk high is active. The findings are as follows. (1) A teleconnection pattern, namely, the significant correlation dipole between the index of the Okhotsk high and 500 hPa geopotential height (Z500), over East Asia, tends to occur in summer. (2) The teleconnection is closely related to the wave train propagation from the Okhotsk Sea via Japan to the subtropical regions when the Okhotsk high is developing. (3) The wave train propagation associated with the development of the Okhotsk high can generate a large cyclonic anomaly over the sea east of Japan, even in late summer. The cyclonic anomaly plays an important role in weakening the northern part of the subtropical high. The anomalous southern position of the main body of the subtropical high in the summer of 1998 is partly due to this effect.