哈苏X1D是世界首款中画幅无反相机,它采用了与哈苏中画幅单反相机H5D-50c和H6D-50c相同的影像传感器(5000万像素,尺寸为43.8×32.9 mm)。由于哈苏X1D采用的是电子取景系统,而不是单反相机那种反光镜和五棱镜系统,因此它显得非常小巧和便携。
The Hasselhin X1D is the world’s first medium format SLR camera with the same image sensor (50 megapixel and 43.8 × 32.9 mm) as the Hasselblad mid-range SLR cameras H5D-50c and H6D-50c. Because the Hasselblad X1D uses an electronic viewfinder system, rather than the kind of reflector and pentaprism system for a single-lens reflex camera, it looks very compact and portable.