本文报道了我国台湾省东港海洋研究所1968年11月——1970年2月期间有关普通鲻(Mugil cephalus)诱导产卵的试验工作。介绍了亲鱼的来源,取脑垂体的技术和程序,鱼卵的孵化以及仔鱼和稚鱼的培育。经过诱导孵化的仔鱼在控制的条件下培育,已成功地获得431尾稚鱼,这些鱼苗生长快,在鱼池里放养200天以后,平均体长为28厘米,体重217克。
This paper reports the experimental work on the induction of spawning by Mugil cephalus from November 1968 to February 1970 at the Donggang Institute of Oceanology in Taiwan Province of China. The sources of broodstock, techniques and procedures for taking the pituitary gland, hatching of fish eggs, and the cultivation of larvae and juveniles are described. After incubation induced larvae were cultured under controlled conditions, 431 fish larvae were successfully obtained. These fry grew rapidly and average body length was 28 cm and body weight was 217 g after 200 days of stocking in fish ponds.