小儿慢喉痹是一种临床常见和顽固性疾病,多因脏腑虚弱、咽部失养或邪滞于咽所致。笔者近年来用自拟利咽汤治疗200例,取得满意效果,现报告如下:1 一般资料 200例患儿均符合国家中医药管理局发布的《中医病证诊断疗效标准》中有关标准。其中男132例,女68例;年龄5~7岁5例,7~9岁12例,9~11岁18例,11~14岁165例;病程1~2年,大部分患儿曾经过中、西药或中西药结合治疗,但效果不著。2 治疗方法
Chronic laryngopharyngeal paralysis is a common clinical and intractable disease, mostly due to weakness of the organs, dysphagia or Xie stagnation caused by the pharynx. In recent years, the author self-proposed Liyan Decoction treatment of 200 cases, and achieved satisfactory results, are as follows: 1 General Information 200 cases of children are in line with the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine Diagnostic Criteria for Disease Diagnosis and Treatment of Chinese medicine standards. There were 132 males and 68 females, aged 5 to 7 years in 5 cases, 7 to 9 years in 12 cases, 9 to 11 years in 18 cases, 11 to 14 years in 165 cases; the course of 1 to 2 years, most of the children have been Chinese and Western medicine or Western medicine treatment, but the effect is not. 2 treatment