The number of bank expenditures is the basis of the total fiscal budget expenditures. The actual expenditures are the basis for the calculation of the unit budget expenditures. The “unpaid bank borrowings” is the difference between the number of bank expenditures and the actual expenditures. Balance funds. The significance of using “unbanked bank withdrawals” lies in its ability to accurately account for the use and shortage of budgetary funds of various units and reflect the financial management level of a unit from one aspect. Such as a unit of “bank unreported” is smaller, indicating that the unit write-off funds in a timely manner, quick turnover, the use of better. On the contrary, indicating that this unit accounts for more budget funds, or write-off is not timely. In order to strengthen fund management, the finance department should verify the normal turnover quota of “bank loans not reported” for its own budget units, strictly control and supervise promptly clearing and settlement so as to prevent funds from overloading and wasting money. For more than the fixed part, according to the specific circumstances, offset part of the budget allocation. Some are one-time special subsidy balances, things have been done, the recovery should be recovered.