东西交流 情深谊长──中国山西民间艺术团西欧演出纪行

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Between July 27 and Aug. 23, Shanxi Folk Art.Enseemble visited and held Performances in Germany, Holland and Belgium while the folk art festivals was holding there in these three countries. The Performances were some calibrations between Shanxi Ensemble and other 20 ensembles from 15 countries. The performance was a complete success. Programs prepared by Shanxi including folk dance and folk music. After watching Shanxi’s program, the art director of Holland’s organization committee, Alter Major said that the Chinese team from Shanxi did a great job, their elegant dance, pretty cutoms and melodious music. All these things are great. The Shanxi team was invited to visit Korea in Oct. right after the Performance. Between July 27 and Aug. 23, Shanxi Folk Art. Enseemble visited and held Performances in Germany, Holland and Belgium while the folk art festivals was holding there in these three countries. The Performances were some calibrations between Shanxi Ensemble and other 20 ensembles from 15 Programs prepared by Shanxi including folk dance and folk music. After watching Shanxi’s program, the art director of Holland’s organization committee, Alter Major said that the Chinese team from Shanxi did a great job, their elegant dance , pretty cutoms and melodious music. All these things are great. The Shanxi team was invited to visit Korea in Oct. right after the Performance.
等待雷东多,就像在等待迭戈。 雷东多有俊朗的面容、飘逸的长发,还有一颗忠诚的心。自从前年转会到AC米兰俱乐部,雷东多就没有在伟大的圣西罗球场亮相。现在,AC米兰江河日下
1998年随着巴士股份有限公司买下了ATP巡回赛上海站的拥有权,一个崭新的公司——新新体育发展有限公司也随之浮出水面。这个被赛事总监吕华勇先生称为“New New Sports”的