Forward and Backward Slip Models in MAS Rolling Process and Its On-Line Application

来源 :Journal of Iron and Steel Research(International) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kingwill
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Based on the MAS rolling process in plate mill,the mathematical models of forward and backward slips of the wedges at plate head and tail were derived.According to the new model,the difference between the forward slip of the wedge and that of the normal part of the plate is obviously very small.The deviation is less than 2.5% in general.Thus,in actual application,the forward slip of normal part of the plate can be used to calculate the length of rolled plate instead of the derived model.The rationality of this simplified method was confirmed with the application in Shougang 3 500 mm plate mill.The test results showed that the wedges of plate head and tail are symmetrical.The plate width deviation is greatly decreased by using the MAS method. Based on the MAS rolling process in plate mill, the mathematical models of forward and backward slips of the wedges at plate head and tail were derived. According to the new model, the difference between the forward slip of the wedge and that of the normal part of the plate is obviously very small.The deviation is less than 2.5% in general.Thus, in actual application, the forward slip of the normal part of the plate can be used to calculate the length of the plate instead of the derived model. rationality of this simplified method was confirmed with the application in Shougang 3 500 mm plate mill. The test results showed that the wedges of plate head and tail are symmetrical. The plate width deviation is greatly decreased by using the MAS method.
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