聚焦课文复述 提升言语表达智慧——《七色花》教学实录及反思

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【教学目标】1.学习生字新词,读准字音,理解意思。2.学习生动地讲故事。(分层目标:学困生能根据复述提纲简单说说课文的一个情节;中等生能用自己的话复述课文的一两个片段;优秀生能发挥想象创造性复述课文。)【教学过程】一、学习字词,理解课文大意师:同学们,《七色花》这篇童话预习了吗?生:(齐)预习了。(教师出示两组词语,指名学生认读。第一组:老婆婆、橙色、撕下、堵塞、健康;第二组:一阵风、花瓶、完完整整、插花。正 【Teaching Objectives】 1. Learn new words, read the standard pronunciation, understand the meaning. Learn to vividly tell stories. (Stratified goal: Students with learning difficulties can talk about the lesson briefly according to the synopsis outline; middle school students can use their own words to repeat one or two sections of the text; excellent students can play imaginative repetition of the text.) [Teaching Process] Learn words, understand the text Argument: Classmates, “Seven Color Flower” This fairy tale preview? Health: (Qi) preview. (The teacher shows two groups of words, named students read.) The first group: the old lady, orange, torn, clogged, healthy; The second group: a gust of wind, vase, complete, flower arrangement.