MRIL -Prime是Halliburton公司推出的最新一代的核磁共振测井仪器。该仪器吸收了CMR和MRIL -C型仪器的优点 ,改进了其不足 ,采用 5个频带 9个不同的频率 ,一次下井可进行多种模式的测量 ,同时获得标准T2谱、移谱、差谱等信号 ,既提高了测井速度 ,又获得了更多的测井信息 ,同时数据精度也大大提高。文章介绍了该仪器的结构、主要技术指标、电子线路、电容和探头特征、工作原理及实现方法
MRIL -Prime is the latest generation of NMR logging equipment from Halliburton. The instrument absorbs the advantages of CMR and MRIL-C instruments, improves its shortcomings, and uses nine different frequencies in five frequency bands to perform multiple modes of measurement in a single pass, with standard T2, shift, and difference spectra And other signals, not only improve the logging speed, but also get more logging information, while data accuracy is greatly improved. The article introduces the structure of the instrument, the main technical indicators, electronic circuits, capacitors and probe features, working principle and implementation method