开展情报调研 为经济振兴服务——对地方综合性科技情报所开展情报调研工作的探讨

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近年来,我省各级综合性科技情报所在国家新的科技情报工作方针指引下,先后开展了科技情报调研工作,为促进我省经济建设、科技发展和社会进步做出了成绩,取得了效果,积累了经验。实践证明,地方综合性科技情报所在作好科技文献资料服务的基础上,不仅需要开展情报调研,而且完全可以把这项工作搞好,为经济振兴作出贡献。开展情报调研,可以更好地发挥情报服务效果正如人们所说,当今的时代,是各行各业都向科技情报部门伸手的时代。社会各方面对科技情报的需求与日俱增。特别是在我国“四化”建设的新形势下,人们不仅需要索取大量的科技文献资材,而且 In recent years, under the guideline of the new scientific and technological intelligence work of intelligence of all levels of the province, the scientific and technological intelligence research work has successively been carried out, and achievements have been made in promoting the economic construction, technological development and social progress in our province, and the results have been achieved , Accumulated experience. Practice has proved that local science and technology intelligence information science and technology are doing well on the basis of literature and information services, not only need to carry out intelligence research, but also can do a good job in this work to contribute to the revitalization of the economy. Carrying out intelligence research to better exert the effect of intelligence services As people have said, the times are the era when all walks of life reach out to science and technology intelligence departments. The demand for scientific and technological intelligence from all sectors of society is increasing day by day. Especially under the new situation of the “four modernizations” in our country, people not only need to obtain a large amount of scientific and technical documents, but also
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