由德国威斯巴登歌剧院委约作曲家赫尔穆特·厄尔灵(Helmut Oehring)创作的歌剧《雅歌塔》(Agota),作为威斯巴登“五月国际艺术节”推出的悲剧题材声乐戏剧,5月4日在黑森州国家剧院进行了世界首演。观众们在70分钟的演出中体会到了存在于现实和虚幻中的混乱、迷惘和压抑。赫尔穆特·厄尔灵1961年生于柏林东部,父母亲是聋哑人。在柏林艺术学院,厄尔灵师从艺术大师作曲家乔治·卡
The opera “Agota” by composer Helmut Oehring is commissioned by the Wiesbaden Opera House in Germany as Wiesbaden’s “May International Arts Festival” Launched the tragedy theme vocal drama, on May 4 at the Hessian National Theater for the world premiere. The audience realized during the 70-minute performance of confusion, confusion and depression existing in reality and illusion. Helmut Eling was born in eastern Berlin in 1961, his parents were deaf and mute. At the Art Institute of Berlin, Earl Guru from the master of arts composer George Card