Vasectomy after testicular histology changes reported in the literature is not consistent enough.We applied light microscopy and electron microscopy examination of 6 cases of vasculitis after testicular biopsy tissue, the results are reported in the next.Materials and methods 6 cases of vasectomy Patients, aged 30 to 38 years old, ligation time of 1 to 8 years .5 cases require re-vasospasm anastomosis, 1 case of hydrocele due to testis .Left testicular biopsies were taken specimens were placed in 4 ℃ 3% Fixed with glutaraldehyde phosphate buffer, fixed with 1% osmium tetroxide, embedded in epoxy resin 618. Semi-thin sections were stained with hematoxylin and eosin (10 × 10) The mean diameter of seminiferous tubules was determined and the average thickness of ten seminiferous tubules was measured under an oil microscope (10 × 100). After positioning, ultrathin sections, uranyl acetate, citric acid Lead staining, H-600 electron microscopy.