缺医少阻碍农村“小康” “小病拖,中病熬,大病来了无着落”——这是目前一些地方农民就医现状的真实写照。 农民最怕的就是得病。好不容易摆脱了贫困,手头有了一些积蓄,可是,一场病就又回到一贫如洗, “脱贫三五年,一病回从前”。因病返贫、因病致贫已成为中国农村“小康”路上的一道坎儿。许多农民发出相同的感慨:如今不再为吃饭穿衣发愁,愁的是看病难、吃药贵。
Lack of medical care hinders rural “well-off”, “minor illness drag, disease boil, ill-fated” - this is the true portrayal of the status quo of peasants in some places at present. Peasants are most afraid of getting sick. Finally, I got rid of poverty and got some savings on hand. However, once I became ill, I returned to poverty and poverty. Return to poverty due to illness, poverty due to illness has become China’s rural “well-off” on the road Kaner. Many peasants are sending the same feeling: Now that they no longer worry about eating and dying clothes, they worry that it is hard to see a doctor and expensive medicine.