一位哑了20多年的沙特阿拉伯女子,在她向父母提出抗议把她嫁给一位比她年纪大20多岁的男子时,一急之下,竟然奇迹般地恢复了说话的能力。 这个居住在塔伊夫的25岁女子是5岁时突然丧失说话能力的,她的父母曾带她四处求医,但医生们无法找到她变成哑巴的原因。
A Saudi woman, who has been dull for more than two decades, miraculously restored her ability to speak with impunity in protesting against her marriage to a man in her twenties older than her. The 25-year-old woman living in Taif is suddenly speechless when she was 5 years old. Her parents used her to seek medical advice, but doctors could not find the reason why she became dumb.