My Father

来源 :中学生英语·九年级 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kvkv
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  My father is in his sixties. He has worked in a local factory for years. You will not find anything unusual about him until you learn more.
  My father has always been kind and helpful. He is ready to help anyone. He cares for the children who have lost their parents. Whenever he has some money left, he gives it to someone in need. My father has donated blood for many times. The blood he has donated is enough to save over 60 lives. To my surprise, he has decided to donate his body for medical research after his death.
  When I was a little boy, I could not understand why my father always seemed to be kinder to others than to his own family. Now I realize that he has a heart full of love.
Stephen Hawking is one of the most famous scientists in this century. He was born in 1942. He’s a world well-known scientist on space and time. Stephen is researching some very big questions, such as:
[摘 要] 学习是从未知通向已知的尝试过程,在此过程中不少学生产生了“假性理解”,而有效引导学生尝试,不仅有助于提升学生的数学学习兴趣,拓宽学生的数学学习思维,增强学生的数学学习意识,同时可以有效地减少学生假性理解的产生,甚至可以消除假性理解.  [关键词] 数学假性理解;尝试教学理论;尝试;兴趣;意识  “‘数学假性理解’是指学生对数学相关概念或原理的认识,只有机械的记忆和表面的理解,而没有达到
摘 要:对于高中阶段的数学复习来说,其关键性任务既非对旧有知识内容的单纯重复再现,也非对知识的系统性复述,而是需要利用已经掌握的知识去增强学生的数学基本素养,使其利于解题的思维品质得到深度锤炼. 为了达到这样的效果,教师应当同学生一道对知识进行重新整理构建,如同建造一栋伟大的建筑一样,先做好宏观设计工作,即把握住思维方式;再做好基础夯实与材料累积工作,即完善系统化整理;最好做好后期加固工作,即关注
摘 要 在线损管理方面,智能电表与集抄系统发挥着重要作用。智能电表计量精度高、效率快,能大大减少漏抄表、少计量等问题;集抄系统能对线损问题做准确分析与集中管理,将线损率降到最低。因而智能电表与集抄系统近年来在社会范围内得到了广泛应用。本文结合实际,就智能电表及集抄系统在线损管理中的应用进行分析论述,希望能为相关工作带来帮助。  关键词 智能电表 集抄系统 线损管理  中图分类号:TM933 文献标
My grandfather on my mother’s side is a cancer patient. He was in hospital last week for his high fever.  My grandfather was very optimistic1 and positive, and he has soon made a friend—his ward-mate.
Today’s wire coat hanger was inspired by a clothes hook patented1 in 1869, but it wasn’t until 1903 that Albert J. Parkhouse, an employee in Jackson, Michigan, created the device2 that we now know as
刘佳娴  座右铭:谦虚使人进步,骄傲使人落后。  就读学校班级:河北省阜城县第四中学九年级(12)班  指导教师:张超  Father and Mother  Father is the sun in children’s hearts,  Mother is the moon in children’s hearts,  We are the stars in the sky,  Shining
你在读书或听课时,是否有注意力无法长时间集中的问题?有时,一些小诀窍可以增加你的注意力持续的时间,它们还可能帮你改善学习习惯。  Make a List  What does making a list have to do with concentrating? Easy.  We often have trouble paying attention to one thing because
摘 要:正弦定理是定量的解决三角形的边与角的重要定理之一,它的证明也体现了重要的数学思想和方法,比如向量法,解析法,面积法等等. 这些对于学生的后继学习数学也非常重要. 本文从学生的知识结构框架入手,对正弦定理第一课时进行了设计.  关键词:正弦定理;教学设计;教学反思  一、教学目标  1. 知识技能:  (1)掌握正弦定理;  (2)三角形面积公式;  (3)掌握初步应用正弦定理解斜三角形,培
摘要:学校大力推进导学式课堂教学,本文设计基于导学式课堂理念,明确了学生是课堂的主人,是参与者、探究者、尝试者、体验者、合作者、表达者,教师是组织者、策划者、调控者、点评者、引导者. 开展导学式教学模式,以学生的“自主、合作、探究”活动为主,掌握“实验─观察─探究─发现─归纳”的科学学习方法.  关键词:导学式;自主;实验;探究  我设计的题目是《随机事件的概率》,基于“导学式”课堂理念,下面我就