Changes of G cells and D cells in the antral mucosa in rat experimental gastric ulcer

来源 :Journal of Medical Colleges of PLA | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dffg21f
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Objective: To investigate the association of changes in G and D cells in the antral mucosa with the production of gastrin and somatostatin during gastric ulcer and the healing process. Methods: Experimental gastric ulcer was induced with acetic acid in 42 Wistar rats and another 7 normal rats served as control. Changes in the production of gastrin and somatostatin in the plasma, gastric fluid and the antral tissues of the rats were measured by radio immunoassay, and the number and distribution of G and D cells were respectively determined by immunochemistry and Quantimet500 image analysis system. Results: In rats with gastric ulcer, the gastrin levels in the plasma, gastric fluid and the antral tissues increased while somatostatin levels were reduced, which were corrected in the healing process. Immunochemistry demonstrated the increase in the number of G cells in the antral tissues with decrease in D cell number, and the area covered by both cells shrank. The G cell to D cell number and area ratios were Objective: To investigate the association of changes in G and D cells in the antral mucosa with the production of gastrin and somatostatin during gastric ulcer and the healing process. Methods: Experimental gastric ulcer was induced with acetic acid in 42 Wistar rats and another 7 normal rats served as control. Changes in the production of gastrin and somatostatin in the plasma, gastric fluid and the antral tissues of the rats were evaluated by radio immunoassay, and the number and distribution of G and D Cells were separately determined by immunochemistry and Quantimet500 image analysis system. Results: In rats with gastric ulcer, the gastrin levels in the plasma, gastric fluid and the antral tissues increased while the somatostatin levels were reduced, which were corrected in the healing process. Immunochemistry demonstrated the increase in the number of G cells in the antral tissues with decrease in D cell number, and the area covered by both cells shrank. The G cell to D cell number a nd area ratios were
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