安培表用来测量电路中的电流强度,使用时必须注意以下几点: 一、选好量程:在接入电路之前,先估计待测电路的电流强度,若小于0.6安,应选用0-O.6安:若在0.6安和3安之间,应选用0-3安量程的安培表:若大于3安,应选用量程大于3安的安培表。总之:待测电路的电流强度必须小于安培表的量程,否则将会烧毁安培表。如果不能估计,应先接在大量程安培表上试触后再根据读数选择量程。
The ampere meter is used to measure the current intensity in the circuit. When using it, the following points must be noted: 1. Select a good range: Before accessing the circuit, first estimate the current strength of the circuit under test. If it is less than 0.6 ampere, select 0-O. .6 ampere: If between 0.6 amps and 3 amps, an ammeter of 0-3 amperes should be used. If it is greater than 3 amperes, ammeters with a range greater than 3 amps should be used. In short: The current intensity of the circuit under test must be less than the ammeter range, otherwise it will burn the ammeter. If it cannot be estimated, it should be connected to a large range of ampere meters before testing and selecting the range according to the reading.