在土体非线性有限元分析的基础上 ,采用干扰能量法对边坡失稳过程进行了模拟。结合长江下游某岸坡滑塌实例 ,通过逐级非线性有限元分析和用干扰能量法进行稳定评判 ,确定了各阶段的稳定薄弱部位和潜在滑体 ,进而实现了对岸坡失稳过程的模拟。计算结果与实测结果相比符合性良好
On the basis of nonlinear finite element analysis of soil, the instability process of slope is simulated by interference energy method. Combined with the example of landslide on a bank slope in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River, the stability weak points and potential slip bodies of each stage are determined through the stepwise non-linear finite element analysis and the stability assessment by the interference energy method, so as to realize the simulation of the slope instability process . The calculated results are in good agreement with the measured results