Coxsachie病毒首由Dalldorf及Sickles二氏于1947年自二个脊髓灰白质炎麻痹型病孩的大便中分离而得。由于上述二个病孩系居于美国纽约附近的Coxsachie镇, Dalldorf氏建议从此而定病毒之名。Coxsachie病毒之特点是它对新生小白鼠(又称乳鼠)有致病力,而对成年小白鼠则不敏感。根据此病毒对乳鼠所引起的病理变化而牌其分为A、B二族。Coxsachie A族病毒对乳鼠的典型病变为横纹肌的弥漫性坏死及炎症,而B族病毒则为限局性横纹肌炎,脑脊髓炎,胰腺炎及脂肪组织坏死等;又按其抗原性的不同,目前已分离的Coxsachie病毒计有24型——自1至19型属于A族,20-24型属于B族。Coxsachie病毒与脊髓灰
The Coxsachie virus was first isolated from the stools of two children with poliomyelitis paralysis by Dalldorf and Sickles in 1947. Since the two affected children live in Coxsachie, near New York, USA, Dalldorf suggests that the name of the virus be determined from this point of view. Coxsachie virus is characterized by its virulence of mice (also known as suckling mice) virulence, and insensitive to adult mice. According to the pathological changes caused by the virus on the neonatal rats and brand it into A, B two. The typical pathology of Coxsachie virus A in suckling mice is diffuse necrosis and inflammation of striated muscle, while the B virus is the limiting factor of rhabdomyositis, encephalomyelitis, pancreatitis and fatty tissue necrosis; according to its antigenicity, The Coxsachie virus that has so far been isolated has 24 types - from type 1 to type 19, type 20 to type B, Coxsachie virus and spinal gray