An Analysis of Amir in The Kite Runner from the Perspective of Personal Growth

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Since its first publication of The Kite Runner in 2003,it has drawn considerable publicity and received praises from the critics all over the world.Up till now,many scholars have studied the novel in such aspects as religious disputes,racial discrimination,the images of kite,portrait of Hassan,betrayal and redemption and narrative strategies,etc.However,this paper chooses to analyze such features as the plot pattern,contents and set of characters reflected in the novel to explore how the novel describes the characterization of Amir from the perspective of personal growth. Since its first publication of The Kite Runner in 2003, it has drawn allow publicity and received praises from the critics all over the world. Up till now, many scholars have studied the novel in such aspects as religious disputes, racial discrimination, the images of kite, portrait of Hassan, betrayal and redemption and narrative strategies, etc. However this paper chooses to analyze such features as the plot pattern, contents and set of characters reflected in the novel to explore how the novel describes the characterization of Amir from the perspective of personal growth.
中国当下城市景观规划进程步入如火如荼的阶段时,金昌作为一个西部新兴建设和发展工业重镇城市也开始其城市景观规划之路——“戈壁绿城,腾飞镍都”。城市景观规划 As China
【摘要】换位思考法、激发兴趣法、分层教学法提高课堂效率  【关键词】提高 效率 换位思考 激趣 分层教学  【中图分类号】G630【文献标识码】A【文章编号】2095-3089(2012)11-0010-01  高效课堂历来是优秀教育工作者孜孜不倦的追求,为了提高课堂效率,我做了以下三点尝试,取得了较好的效果。  一、换位思考法  教师在课堂教学中以“假如我是学生”的姿态出现在学生学习的过程中,思