伊朗伊斯兰共和国空军是目前唯一的 F-14“雄猫”战斗机用户。早在巴列维王朝时代,伊朗向美国订购了80架 F-14A“雄猫”战斗机。1976年1月第一架 F-14A 交付伊朗,图中的 F-14A 则是交付伊朗的第20架,属第81战术战斗机中队。该中队是伊朗第一支 F-14A 部队,最初装备有20架 F-14A,其中16架为现役状态,4架为备用状态。其驻地哈塔米空军基地是专门为 F-14A 修建的,位于伊斯法罕附近的沙漠中。两伊战争爆发后,伊朗空军的 F-14A全面参战,并取得了辉煌的战果。据最新资料表明,伊朗的 F-14A 至少击落了159架伊拉克飞机,型号涵盖了米格-21、米格-23、米格-25、苏-22、“幻影 F1”在内的几乎所有伊拉克空军主战飞机。而图中的3-6020号机由多个机组驾驶,击落了至少10架伊拉克飞机,是战绩最辉煌的 F-14A 单机之一。尤其是在1981年5月15日,该机首次使用“不死鸟”导弹击伤了一架时速达2800千米的米格-25,开创了拦截米格-25的战例。目前该机仍在伊朗空军服役。
The Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force is currently the only F-14 “Tomcat ” fighter user. As early as the Pahlavi dynasty, Iran ordered 80 F-14A / Tomcat fighters from the United States. The first F-14A was delivered to Iran in January 1976, and the F-14A in the figure was the 20th to deliver Iran's 81st Tactical Fighter Squadron. The squadron was the first Iranian F-14A unit initially equipped with 20 F-14As, of which 16 were active and 4 were standby. Its station, Khatami Air Base, was built specifically for the F-14A and is located in the desert near Isfahan. After the Iran-Iraq war broke out, the Iranian Air Force F-14A fully entered the war and achieved brilliant results. According to the latest information, Iran's F-14A shot down at least 159 Iraqi aircraft, covering almost all models of MiG-21, MiG-23, MiG-25, Su-22, and Mirage F1 All Iraqi Air Force main battle planes. While the figure 3-6020 piloted by multiple units, down at least 10 Iraqi aircraft, is one of the most brilliant record F-14A stand-alone. Especially on May 15, 1981, the aircraft for the first time used “Phoenix” missiles to hit a MiG-25 at a speed of 2,800 kilometers per hour, creating a battle to intercept the MiG-25. The aircraft is still in service with the Iranian Air Force.