总参谋长正在云南视察工作,突然被急电召到上海 1965年12月11日,一架军用飞机从昆明机场腾空而起,飞往上海。 飞机上坐着身负重任的罗瑞卿大将。 对这位精力充沛,不知疲倦,忠心耿耿,为党为国的大将军,党和人民赋予了极大的信任。此刻,他担任着中共中央委员、中央书记处书记;全国人大常委会委员;国务院副总理;中央军委常委、中央军委秘书长;国防部副部长、中国人民解放军总参谋长;中华人民共和国国防委员会副主席、人民防空委员会主任;国务院国防工业办公室主任;中央15人专门委员会(负责中国原子能工业的重大决策和组织、领导)成员兼办公室主任等重要职务。 为了回报党和人民的重托,罗瑞卿一直不分昼夜,呕心呖血,席不暇暖,奋不顾身地战斗在保卫祖
The chief of general staff was inspecting Yunnan and was summoned to Shanghai suddenly. On December 11, 1965, a military aircraft flew from Kunming Airport to fly to Shanghai. Sitting on the plane carrying heavy responsibility General Luo Ruiqing. We have great confidence in this energetic, tireless, loyal and dedicated general for the party and the country, the party and the people. At the moment, he serves as a member of the CPC Central Committee and secretary of the CPC Central Committee; member of the NPC Standing Committee; vice premier of the State Council; member of the Standing Committee of the Central Military Commission and secretary general of the Central Military Commission; deputy defense minister and chief of general staff of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army; Vice Chairman, Director of the Civil Air Defense Committee; Director of the Defense Industry Office of the State Council; and member of the 15-member special committee of the Central Committee (major decision-making and organization and leadership of China’s atomic energy industry) and director of the office. In order to repay the trust of the party and the people, Luo Ruiqing has been day and night, nausea, blooming, I am in short supply of warmth, fiercely fighting to defend the ancestors