针对北京郊区甘薯杀秧环节缺少适宜机具,人工杀秧费时、费力等问题,开展甘薯秧蔓粉碎还田机对比试验。根据京郊甘薯种植垄距为80~90 cm的种植模式,引进4U-S980型单行甘薯秧蔓粉碎机、1JH-170型双行甘薯秧蔓粉碎机和1JSM-900型单行甘薯秧蔓粉碎机3种机型。经过前期试验,筛选出作业质量符合相关行业标准及当地甘薯种植农艺要求的两种秧蔓粉碎机。其中4U-S980型单行甘薯秧蔓粉碎机适宜作业行距为90 cm,1JH-170型双行秧蔓粉碎机适宜作业行距为80 cm,作业效率为人工作业的50~90倍,作业成本较人工低2 627~2 703元/hm~2,有效地解决了甘薯杀秧环节机械化问题,降低了甘薯种植成本。
For the Beijing suburbs of sweet potato seedling missing part of the appropriate tools, artificial seedlings time-consuming, laborious and other issues to carry out sweet potato seedling crushing machine comparison test. According to the planting pattern of sweet potato planting ridge of 80-90 cm in the suburbs of Beijing, 4U-S980 single row sweet potato seedling crusher, 1JH-170 double row sweet potato seedling crusher and 1JSM-900 single row sweet potato seedling crusher were introduced 3 kinds of models. After pre-trial, screening out the operation of quality in line with relevant industry standards and local sweet potato planting agronomic requirements of two seedlings mill. The 4U-S980 single-row sweet potato seedling crusher is suitable for 90cm working spacing. The 1JH-170 double-row seedling crusher has a suitable working spacing of 80cm and a working efficiency of 50-90 times of that of manual work. Low 2 627 ~ 2 703 yuan / hm ~ 2, effectively solve the mechanization problem of sweet potato seedling killing and reduce the cost of planting sweet potato.