1906年的大地震,给旧金山造成了严重的破坏,但当地民众很快从废墟中站起来,开始了重建家园的行动。 这时,为城市建立一个永久性管弦乐团,被旧金山人列入了议事日程。1909年,一个名叫旧金山音乐协会的机构成立起来,它当时的使命是为未来的乐团募集资金。今天,这个机构仍然存在,但名称已是旧金山交响协会。1911年,一个有65名乐员的乐团诞生了,当年12月,旧金山交响乐团举行了它的首场音乐会,并开始了它的第一个演季。出任乐团首任音乐总监的是出生于美国而又在维也纳深造过的著名的指挥家、作曲家亨利·哈德利(Henry Hadley)。新诞生的乐团立刻以自己色彩丰富、风格各异的古典曲目和新音乐作品为旧金山的文化生活注入了活力。哈德利在乐团工作了4
The great earthquake of 1906 caused serious damage to San Francisco, but local people quickly stood up from the rubble and started the reconstruction of their homeland. At this time, for the city to establish a permanent orchestra, San Francisco was included in the agenda. In 1909, a body called the San Francisco Music Association was formed. Its mission was to raise money for future orchestras. Today, this institution still exists, but the name is San Francisco Symphony Association. In 1911, a 65-member orchestra was born. In December of that year, the San Francisco Symphony Orchestra held its first concert and began its first season. As the first music director of the Orchestra, Henry Hadley, a famous conductor and composer born in the United States and studied in Vienna, The newly born orchestra immediately energizes San Francisco’s cultural life with its rich variety of classical tracks and new musical compositions. Hadley worked at the orchestra 4