AMA的全称是American Motorcyclist Association是美国摩托车手联合会的意思。Supercross是一种越野摩托车比赛的方式,可以翻译成越野摩托车超级障碍赛,英文常常简写成SX。Supercross的前世今生要想知道什么是Supercross,必须先要了解一下最基础的摩托车越野运动——Motocross,即摩托车越野赛,英文简写成MX。这项运动起源于二十世纪五六十年代的欧洲国家,主要是在一些西欧国家,比如法国、西班牙、比利时、意大利、奥地利等。现在世界上很多顶级运动员都是来自这些国家。比赛通常在开阔的平原和丘陵地带举
AMA’s full name is American Motorcyclist Association is the meaning of the United States motorcycle rider federation. Supercross is a cross-country motorcycle race way, can be translated into the motocross super hurdles race, English often abbreviated as SX. Supercross past life To see what is Supercross, we must first understand the most basic motocross exercise - Motocross, that is, motocross, English abbreviated MX. The movement originated in the European countries in the 1950s and 1960s, mainly in some Western European countries such as France, Spain, Belgium, Italy, Austria and the like. Many of the top athletes in the world today come from these countries. The competition is usually held in open plains and hills