In order to quickly diagnose neonatal cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection, so that clinical diagnosis can be established in time for ease of treatment. From October 1986 to December 1988, CMV-IgM antibody was detected in 36 neonates diagnosed as congenital inpatients with neonatal ward. In some cases, the virus was isolated from urine and 15 cases (41.7%) were positive. Positive serum rubella virus IgM, toxoplasma IgM antibody test, the results were negative. Once CMV-IgM antibodies are detected, the theory of congenital CMV infection can be considered, and in our opinion, this method requires only 6 hours to report the results, which is faster and more accurate than the isolation of the virus. The experiment shows that CMV plays a decisive role in congenital neonatal infection in Xi’an. In addition, blood transfusions can also lead to CMV infection in the postnatal neonatal period, a problem that must be addressed by the donor community. Through a comprehensive analysis of clinical symptoms and signs, the authors described the possible clinical signs of congenital CMV infection.