,Breakup of 33.4 MeV/u 17N on a 9Be Target

来源 :中国物理快报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shuper
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Correlation measurements of neutrons and fragments have been performed in a reaction of 33.4 MeV/u 17 N on a 9Be target. Energy spectra of n and nitrogen fragments were obtained at different angles. Based on the nuclear diffraction dissociation model, the measured energy spectra and the neutron angular distributions werereproduced quite well assuming that 1 7 N was composed of 16 N and n or 15 N and 2n interacting with the nonlocal separable potential. The satisfactory agreement between the heoretical calculations and the experimental data shows that the contribution of Coulomb dissociation is negligible in the reaction conceed.
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本文结合天津图书馆政府信息公开查阅中心近三年的工作实践,对公共图书馆政府信息公开的服务内容、优势、局限及作为进行了梳理和研究,并提出相应对策。 In this paper, the
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