随着人民生活提高,西瓜种植面积不断扩大,特别是杂交一代以其高产优质深受瓜农欢迎。作为育种和制种单位,为瓜农提供物美价廉的西瓜良种责无旁贷。现将工作中如何提高西瓜采种量的经验措施总结如下: 一、去杂复壮亲本。首先对双亲原种必须按照三圃制的原种生产程序,选育出优良的符合双亲性状的原种,然后再利用其自交系进行繁殖杂交一代生产良种。二、建立良繁墓地。依据西瓜生物学特性,制种基地应建立在:第一,五年以上没有种过瓜的田块,以防土传病害枯萎病的发生。第二,土层深厚、排水良好、肥沃的沙壤土或壤土的田块。其土壤结构好,空隙度较大,保肥保水,通透性好,早春土温容易上升,有利于西
With the improvement of people’s lives, watermelon planting area continues to expand, especially the hybrid generation with its high yield and quality welcomed by farmers. As a breeding and seed production unit, it is duty-bound for Guinong to provide quality and cheap watermelon seeds. Now how to improve the work experience in measuring watermelon mining methods summed up as follows: First, to complex hybrid parents. First of all parents of species must be in accordance with the three nursery production process of the original breed, breed elite parents consistent with the elite species, and then use their inbred lines to produce hybrids breeding seed. Second, the establishment of Liang Fan cemetery. According to the biological characteristics of watermelon, seed base should be based on: the first, more than five years have not planted melon plots to prevent the occurrence of soil-borne diseases Fusarium wilt. Second, deep soil, well drained, fertile sandy loam or loam plots. The soil structure is good, larger porosity, fertilizer and water, good permeability, early spring soil temperature is easy to rise, is conducive to the West