Application of Mind Map in Business English

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  【Abstract】Mind map is a visualization of knowledge representation tools, since its introduction into our country, has had a great impact in the field of education and gradually applied to teaching. This paper analyzes the application of mind map as a teaching tool in business English teaching and combining with teaching practice. Through the teaching cases, this paper discusses how to use mind map in the teaching of words learning, reading, communication and topic composition use.
  【Key words】Mind map; Business English; Application

First, the mind map (Mind Map) Overview

  Mind Map is a new type of note-taking method developed by the famous British scholar Tony Buzan in the early 1870s. It is based on radioactive thinking and is a simple, efficient, radioactive, It can greatly stimulate people’s ability to fully mobilize the left brain’s logic, order, regulations, words, numbers and the image, imagination, color, space and overall thinking of the right brain so as to fully develop the potential of the brain Creative thinking ability.
  Mind map using graphic and textual skills, all levels of the theme of the relationship between the subordinate and related hierarchical map shows the theme keywords and images, colors and other memory links, make full use of the left and right brain function, the use of memory, Reading and thinking rules to help people develop balance between science and art, logic and imagination so as to unlock the infinite potential of the human brain. Therefore, mind map has the powerful function of promoting human thinking.
  Mind mapping is a way to visualize radioactive thinking. From the moment of birth, humans accumulate these huge and complex databases. The astonishing storage capacity of the brain has accumulated a great deal of data. Apart from accelerating the accumulation of data, Hierarchical management based on the relevance of each other makes the storage, management and application of data more systematic and more organized, thus greatly improving the efficiency of brain operation.
  The radioactive structure of mind mapping reflects the natural structure of the brain. It rapidly builds and expands the knowledge system that appears in the form of notes, resulting in a clear and accurate picture of all the relevant and intrinsically linked structures of knowledge that can Quick and effective knowledge management. In a nutshell, it helps us to learn, think and solve problems, visualize our thinking processes, and maximize the potential of our brains.   With the deepening of the research, domestic and foreign experts think that Mind Mapping offers human beings a graphical tool for effective thinking, which can unlock the unlimited potential of the human brain.
  About 250 million people worldwide now use mind maps. Mind maps play a huge role in education, medicine, agriculture, industry, meteorology, and management. Time magazine of the United States once commented that Tony Bazin “contributed to the mind as much as Hawking contributed so much to the universe.” American Boeing uses Mind Mapping to make aircraft maintenance workbooks, which took only a few weeks to digest before one year.

Second, the advantages of mind map analysis

  1. improve information processing methods, build a reasonable knowledge network. Because Mind Mapping is the graphical representation of knowledge and thinking process, it is a kind of tool to organize, elaborate and express knowledge by chart, so it can help students sort out the learning content, filter out the messy information, keep the key content, New knowledge into or assimilation into the original knowledge structure, thus promoting the integration of new and old knowledge, improve thinking ability. Students in the process of building a reasonable knowledge network through the increase of the mind map nodes or the modification of the concept of the formation of a personalized, active information processing.
  2. highlight the focus, effective mnemonic. Because of its prominent features, well-structured and rich association features, Mind Mapping is also a powerful mnemonic tool, which modularizes knowledge and guides the memory system to hierarchically and segmentally organize information, changing the past mechanical memory effect Poor, easy to make students feel tired of the shortcomings, so that learning content into the long-term memory of students to achieve easy to forget, easy to extract the effect of speeding up the process of knowledge acquisition.
  3. create a learning situation, to achieve collaborative learning. The Mind Map is a branch of the central theme that presents the context of verbal communication and guides students to divergent thinking so that students not only have something to say but also know where to start. Therefore, teachers can use the mind map to provide teachers and students dialogue or live dialogue support, you can also try to help students through the same table and team work together to inspire each other to create mind maps and performances, and develop students’ ability to collaborate. Students are tired of learning in the modern era is a major problem teachers, students too much temptation by the outside world, often can not focus on learning, only by using their favorite teaching mode, can effectively stimulate their interest in learning, take the initiative to participate in teaching Activities to better absorb knowledge. If you use the mind map to “draw” notes, the effect is amazing.

Third, the use of mind map in English teaching

  (A) the application of vocabulary learning
  In the process of learning English, vocabulary plays an important role, not only in words, but also plays an important role in the understanding of the article. In English teaching, teachers can use the mind map to present the topic-related vocabulary to the students, which is not only beneficial to students ‘understanding, but also conducive to their autonomous learning and students’ learning efficiency. For example, before teaching school, teachers can guide students to remember the meaning of school and bag, and then draw a mind map. School becomes easy to understand. For example, when learning to spell family, the teacher can produce sentences Father and mother I love you. Then the first letter of each word circle out and extracted, the students quickly remembered; Another example in learning foal this word, you can use pictures and text show cow and calf, and then Show horse and foal, by comparing the students understand the meaning of foal, then raised the question “Who can read it?”, In the process of student thinking problems continue to present road, coat, boat and other words, by contrast, students think soon Correctly read the word. Former lexicons, students either rote memorizing the vocabulary, or doing mechanical repetitive transcriptions in the exercise book, the result is nothing less than three: the top students remember all the words but can not form a systematic Knowledge chain and aversion to rehearsals; middle-aged students remember most of the words but because of the lack of connection between the word groups, the forgetting rate is also very high; after-school students can only grasp a few words, resulting in frustration.
  (B) the use of text reading
  The use of mind mapping in English reading mainly reflected in the overall perception of reading materials, the overall understanding of reading materials, understanding of reading materials, language knowledge and retelling, reading materials and other links. Through the teaching practice I found some appropriate ways to improve the effectiveness of reading instruction using mind map.
  When reading articles with long and new words and complex or unclear textures, the teacher presents a mind map to introduce students to the overall understanding of the article, and then, based on the central theme and The backbone of the problem, the students with the sub-part of the problem, read at different levels, focus, focus on details, deepen understanding; after reading, students can share and exchange within the group, this time in the multimedia courseware teachers using Mind Map Answer the key words to help students sort out knowledge points; Finally, teachers guide students according to the mentality of mind map repeat the text content. Taking into account the limited time in class and the length and difficulty of the text, teachers can encourage students to choose the part they are interested in to repeat or describe.


  Mind map as a thinking tool helps learners to explicit the tacit knowledge, visualize the speech information, help to break down a large amount of information into “chunks” that are easy to understand and remember, and help learners systematically , Systematically think about learning materials, and graphically record their thinking process, so as to not only achieve the effect of remembering jail, forgetting and being easy to extract. As more and more people are familiar with the mind mapping, their use in English teaching will continue to broaden. I believe that if we insist on practice and research, and constantly improve the use of mind mapping in teaching methods, mind mapping will certainly be promising in English teaching.
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【摘要】认知语言学是在认知的视角下观察语言的规律和组织,原型范畴理论是认知语言学中的重要理论,一词多义现象在人类语言中普遍存在,在不同的语境下也会产生不同的词义。本文从认知的角度利用原型范畴理论的观点以及特征和属性来解释一词多义现象,从而加深对一词多义的理解。  【关键词】认知语言学;原型范畴;一词多义;语境  【作者简介】郭兴华(1993- ),女,汉族,黑龙江密山人,哈尔滨师范大学2016级硕
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【摘要】随着全球一体化的发展,频繁的跨文化交际对人们的英语听说能力要求越来越高。传统的大学英语听说教学弊端较多,造成了很多大学生英语听说能力弱的局面。基于翻转课堂的大学英语听说教学能够有效解决当前大学英语听说课面临的问题,培养学生的听说能力。  【关键词】大学英语听说教学;翻转课堂  【作者简介】辛本秀,曲阜师范大学,讲师,研究方向:英语教学法。  随着全球一体化的发展,我国与世界各国的交流越来越
Cooperative learning is an important component in the climate system, and plays a key role in English vocabulary teaching in junior middle school. Brown (2001) demonstrated that cooperative learning r
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