去年暑假旅游杭州,顺道去浙江大学参观学习。看到他们的教学计划中,除了工科各专业必修的基础课和专业课以外,尚开设有音乐等选修课(每周一学时)。浙大是多科性工业大学,为什么要开音乐课呢?岂不多此一举么? 其实不然。略加思索,觉得他们的做法不无道理,值得玩味。工科(医科亦然)学生应以主要精力学好本专业的科学技术,这是毫无疑义的。但整天读书,一天到晚抱着专业书不放,就不足取了。因此很有必要适当参加文艺体育活动和社会活动。事实表明,这样做大有好处。音乐以及其他文艺体育等活动的作用不可忽视。它不仅能娱悦身心,陶冶性情,锻炼身体,提高人们的欣赏能力和审美情趣,而且还能启迪智慧,激发灵感。这对从事人类精神产品生产的科学家和艺术家
Hangzhou last summer vacation travel, take the opportunity to visit Zhejiang University study. See their teaching plans, in addition to the basic courses and specialized courses required for engineering majors, there are still electives such as music (every Monday). Zhejiang University is multidisciplinary university of technology, why do you want to open a music lesson? Would not stop it? In fact not. Slightly thinking that their practice is not unreasonable, it is worth pondering. Engineering (Medicine is also a must) There is no doubt that students should master the science and technology of this major with their major energies. However, reading all day, hold professional books all day long, it is not enough to take. Therefore, it is necessary to properly participate in literary sports and social activities. Facts have shown that it can do a lot of good. Music and other arts and sports and other activities can not be ignored. It not only entertain mentally and mentally, cultivate temperament, exercise, improve people’s appreciation ability and aesthetic taste, but also enlightenment wisdom, inspire. This is for scientists and artists engaged in the production of human psychic products